
TOP > The Federal Government is Run by Idiots! II【電子書籍】[ James E. Joyce ]

The Federal Government is Run by Idiots! II【電子書籍】[ James E. Joyce ]

<p>HOW TO RETIRE AT AGE 52 & LEAD THE GOOD LIFE! THIS BOOK TELLS YOU HOW TO: Retire at age 52 on $40,000 a year, tax-free and have an estate value of 1/2 a million dollars, without investing any more money. EVERY PAYCHECK YOUR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN STEALING YOUR MONEY! When they stop stealing your money and invest it properly you will be able to retire at 52 year of age on at least $40,000/yr and have an estate worth $500,000. This is your life and if you don't wake up you are going to be old and poor! Joyce is a self-published author, poet, inventor, entrepreneur and philosopher He is President of the Quest Educational Foundation. His main purpose in life is to bring entertaining and thought provoking subject matter to assist individuals in becoming open-minded, independent thinkers.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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