
TOP > Exposing the Real Che GuevaraAnd the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him【電子書籍】[ Humberto Fontova ]

Exposing the Real Che GuevaraAnd the Useful Idiots Who Idolize Him【電子書籍】[ Humberto Fontova ]

<p><strong>A debunking of liberal myths about one of the most bloodthirsty icons of the twentieth century.</strong></p> <p>Hollywood, Madison Avenue, and the mainstream media celebrate Ernesto "Che" Guevara as a saint, a sex symbol, and a selfless martyr. But their ideas about Cheーwhose face adorns countless T-shirts and postersーare based on the lies of Fidel Castro's murderous dictatorship.</p> <p>Che's hipster fans are classic "useful idiots," the name Stalin gave to foolish Westerners who parroted his lies about communism. And their numbers only increased after a new biopic was released, starring Benicio Del Toro.</p> <p>But as Humberto Fontova reveals in this myth-shattering book, Che was actually a bloodthirsty executioner, a military bumbler, a coward, and a hypocrite. In fact, Che can be called the godfather of modern terrorism.</p> <p>Fontova reveals:</p> <p>? How he longed to destroy New York City with nuclear missiles.<br /> ? How he persecuted gays, blacks, and religious people.<br /> ? How he loved material wealth and private luxuries, despite his image as an ascetic.</p> <p>Are Che fans like Angelina Jolie, Jesse Jackson, Carlos Santana, and Johnny Depp too ignorant to realize they've been duped? Or too anti-American to care?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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